Bundle Kitt

Enjoy Bundle Kitt; love Bundle Kitt. Meow.   “Bundle Kitt… is an absolutely lovely little adventure that recalls Newgrounds-style Flash games in the best possible way.” – PCGamer
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Par-T Babe-E

An experiment with colors and sounds. Oh wow!
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Snake Pit

Snake Pit: Full of Snakes. Submisison for MoshBoy‘s PirateBay Bundle 2.
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Moist Curds

ASMR game about a tooth having tooth problems.
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Rock Soup

Rock Soup is an experimental collage game: an Exquisite Corpse in game form. Anyone can supply art, sound, design, and story for it. Then I stitch it all together. What makes Rock Soup unique beyond the collaborate nature is how Rock Soup is always complete while being incomplete. The game evolves over time as assets are added, but there is no vision in the game beyond crowd-making a game. Any playable build of Rock Soup is a snapshot of the whole, a single frame of what Rock Soup has been and potential for where it might go. If you’d like to submit any art, sound, music, plot, design, or else to Rock Soup, please do with this form:
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Congratulations! Welcome to MOLOCH (Zero), the official interview simulation for MOLOCH Corporation. If you are reading this, you have been selected as a potential candidate for further screening for the position of [shift manager] within MOLOCH Corporation. To continue with this potential venture, please complete the following instructions: Download the MOLOCH OS with the link provided below. Implement the MOLOCH OS by opening the file. Proceed to MOLOCH (Zero) interview simulation software to begin your vetting process.
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Paul Rudd’s American Goos

Murder Mystery game ran Oct 8th 2016. Four teams of five players each (20 players in total) competed in this reality TV show while trying to figure out who amidst them murdered the show host, Paul Rudd. We built video confessionals into the game so that all players would have to give small testimonies about the event as it went on. Logistically, we custom printed producer shirts for ourselves, rented an Air BNB, and had a snapchat filter for the duration of the event (also built into play), and spent a month planning and designing the game. This was the second iteration of a murder mystery game that Robert Horn and I have collaborated on.
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